Fort Bend-Harris Retired Educators
Fort Bend Harris Retired Educators was established in 2001. It is an affiliate of the Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA).
Our History
History of Fort Bend Harris Retired Educators
Fort Bend-Harris Retired Educators Association was organized January 19, 2001, under the direction of Verita Stansfield, District 4 President. The TRTA Certificate of Affiliation was issued April 1, 2001.
Those organizing the unit were: Bill Moore, Pat Toland, Marsha Sachs, Anna Lou Thurman, Betty Johnson, Sam Bass, Melanie Everson, Betty Turcotte, Ann Brasher, Joyce Hensarling, Lou Hans and Julia Hamilton.
First elected officers of Fort Bend-Harris Retired Educators Association (FBHREA) were President: Pat Toland; 1st Vice President; Anna Lou Thurman; 2nd Vice President Sam Bass; Secretary, Julia Hamilton; and Treasurer, Marsha Sachs.
Committee Chairs were Historian, Betty Turcotte; Legislative, Sue Johnson; and Community Volunteer Services, Shirley Renfrow.
In 2001, TRTA had a state membership of 47, 000 members. Fort Bend-Harris had a beginning membership of 24 and received a $300 grant from the state and $5 rebate for each new member. Meetings were held in the Board Room of the Fort Bend ISD Administration Building. Local dues were $10 and state dues were $25.
In order to publicize the chapter, FBHREA gave certificates to new retirees at the Fort Bend ISD May, 2001, Awards Banquet that included information on how to join Fort Bend Harris Retired Educators. By May 1, 2001, FBREA had a membership of 36. Fort Bend-Harris hosted the first recognition luncheon for new retirees on August 15, 2002. Since its inception, the membership has risen to 350.
The first year, April 2001, Sam Bass attended the TRTA State Annual Meeting. The following year, the TRTA State Annual Meeting was held in Waco; and the President Pat Toland attended and was recognized as president of a new local chapter. Pat Toland has held District 4 offices; been District 4 President; TRTA President’s Council Secretary and TRTA State Board member.
In 2011, the name was shortened to Fort Bend Harris Retired Educators to conform to TRTA's list of local chapters. TRTA had listed the local chapter as Fort Bend Harris Retired Educators from the start. Rather than petition for name change to add "Association," the FBHRE executive board decided to conform to TRTA's list.
In 2020-2022, Mary Ann Dolezal served as District 4 President and TRTA State Historian. Pat Toland served as District 4 President from 2007-2009. FBHRE members that have served as District 4 committee chairs are Anna Lou Thurman, Pat Toland, Mary Ann Dolezal, and Carla Meuth. Our members have actively participated in many District 4 and TRTA state activities.
E.L. Galyean Award Recipient- Mary Ann Dolezal
TRTA is pleased to announce the 2023 E.L. Galyean Award recipient Mary Ann Dolezal of TRTA District 4. This award recognizes a TRTA member for outstanding and unusual service on the state level to TRTA and its members. The award also serves as a constant reminder of the distinctive quality of committed service rendered by Mr. E.L. Galyean, TRTA’s first Executive Director (1980-1992).
Mary Ann’s commitment to TRTA began in 2004 when she first joined the organization. A member of the local chapter Fort Bend Harris Retired Educators, she served as First Vice President from 2006-2007, as President from 2008-2011, again as First VP 2015-2018, as President 2018-2020, and as Legislative Chair from 2022-2024.
At the district level, Mary Ann served the Healthy Living Committee (2011-2016), as First VP (2016-2018), as Secretary (2018-2020), and as President (2020-2022) during the transitionary period of the COVID-19 pandemic.
At the state level, Mary Ann served on the Healthy Living Committee from 2012-2016, serving as Chair between 2014-2016. She also served on the Public Relations Committee between 2016 and 2020 and as State Historian 2020-2022. She helped to coordinate the TRTF Silent Auction at the TRTA State Convention in Dallas in April 2022.