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Short Explanations of Committees



A. The Standing Committees shall be Children’s Book Project, Communications, Foundation, Health & Safety, Historian, Legislative, Member Benefits, Membership, Retirement Education, Technology, and Volunteer Services.


B. Special Committees shall include Audit, Directory, Food Pantry, Hospitality, Member Care, Newsletter, Social Activities, and Standing Rules as well as other committees appointed by the President as needed.


C. The chair of each committee shall develop activity reports, prepare newsletter articles, and communicate with their District IV counterparts when possible.



A. Communications: This committee, chaired by the Second Vice-President, shall be responsible for public relations and publicity through social media.  (Help to get information to the public through various means - i.e newspapers, websites, Facebook, etc. Check with President about what information is being released.)

B. Member Benefits: This committee shall relate information received from TRTA and the District Member Benefits Committee to chapter members. (Possibly feature a member benefit of the month at local chapter meetings.  Attend the yearly member benefits training - usually in May/June via Zoom.) 


C. Legislative: This committee shall relate information received from TRTA and the District Legislative Committee to chapter members.  (Organize local contact teams for each local Texas Senator and Representative and each U.S. Congressman representing our area to relay TRTA legislative priorities and concerns.  Help update legislative news in the chapter newsletter. Check the TRTA website for legislative updates and work with the technology contacts in our chapter to keep members up to date. Survey members to determine legislative priorities in order to assist the TRTA legislative committee.  Attend the District 4 training via Zoom in May/June.)


D. Membership: This committee, chaired by the First Vice-President, shall develop a plan to involve members to recruit, retain, and regain chapter members. Also, oversees registration and attendance at meetings. 


E. Volunteer Services: This committee shall coordinate a volunteer services program and report volunteer hours to the TRTA website by February. (Collect volunteer hours of all members monthly/yearly.  Recognize the top 3 volunteers (by hours) at the February chapter meeting.  We will need a chair for this position in 23-24.


F. Health & Safety: This committee shall provide monthly news articles, promote programs, and coordinate special activities at meetings.  (Provide information for monthly newsletter.  Attend via Zoom District training in May/June.)

G. Technology: This committee shall keep the FBHRE website updated. (Maintain contact with the state webmaster to receive technical assistance, training and materials to ensure that the chapter webpage is being updated correctly.  Coordinates with chapter officers and members and TRTA to gather and display on chapter website and Facebook page. Attend District training session via Zoom in May/June.)

H. The Historian shall keep current a permanent record of the activities and accomplishments of FBHRE that include press releases, photos, and other memorabilia. (Take photos of chapter activities, preserve a record of local activities and accomplishments, help with creating a slide show, create and send to the District Historian the two digital slides of our chapter for State Memory Book slide show during a convention year.  Attend via Zoom District training in May/June.) 


I. The Foundation liaison shall relate information received from TRTF and promote TRTF through special events.

J. Children’s Book Project: This committee shall coordinate the FBHRE book project by providing new books to selected grades at a local elementary school.  (Help to get books ready for distribution and help take books to the schools.) 


K. Retirement Education: This committee shall coordinate with TRTA and the district in providing educational information to active school personnel. (Promote and provide retirement information of interest to retirees and active school personnel when appropriate, communicate retirement events to appropriate sources for publication, help coordinate with FBISD to attend annual awards banquet, acquire and print retirement information to be distributed to retiring teachers, check with district to see if they are holding retirement seminars and make arrangements to attend and distribute information.  Attend retirement training by District 4 in May/June via Zoom.)




A. Standing Rules: This committee shall keep the chapter’s Standing Rules updated in accordance with the TRTA Bylaws and chapter prerogative. 


B. Newsletter: This committee shall provide a monthly newsletter to the membership. Articles are to be submitted after the monthly meeting. 


C. Directory: This committee shall create a directory of members’ information and pertinent chapter and district information. 


D. Audit: This committee shall meet in the summer before the August meeting to review the chapter’s financial statements and ensure reliability. 


E. Member Care: This committee sends cards to members in need of support and encouragement. 


F. Social Activities: This committee coordinates special activities to help strengthen the bond between members.


G. Hospitality: This committee provides refreshments at meetings and coordinates chapter luncheons.


H. Food Pantry: This committee promotes community donations of food items as well as monetary donations.


Hopefully, you will find a committee that matches your particular interests. You can volunteer for committees by signing up at a regular FBHRE meeting.

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